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5 Time Saving Instagram Tools That Makes A Marketer’s Life Easy

5 Time Saving Instagram Tools That Makes A Marketer’s Life Easy

Today Instagram with over 500 million users has become one of the most widely used social media channels.

Despite Instagram being less adopted in the retail category now as the numbers show 26 – 32% engagement. Mind you it is an excellent platform for marketing your business and will surely grow leaps and bounds in the near future.

Instagram has many tools available for your marketing strategy but it is very important that you choose the right tools that help you get the best marketing results possible for your business.

Listed below are five such very helpful Instagram tools that you should definitely use:

1. Crowdfire

Crowdfire App For Instagram Marketing

The statistic says that about 30% of the people you follow are likely to follow you back. If you are using this strategy of following a large number of people your account has the potential to reach tens of thousands of people who reciprocate by following you back.

But Instagram puts a limit on the number of people you can follow to a number around 6,000. The question then is how to still get this beneficial relationship of following and getting followed going?

You can use the Crowdfire tool which lets you know about people whom you are following but are not following you back and gives you the option to unfollow them without even requiring you to go to Instagram.

This tool helps you by letting you see who all are following you and quickly start following people who show interest towards your products or services.

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2. Wordswag

word swag instagram photo editing app

If your wish is to be able to post inspirational pictures and market your business creatively on Instagram with content that would give a meaning to the image then you can do that by using the Wordswag tool.

This Instagram tool helps you to select from hundreds of its high-quality backgrounds and stock photos and lets you place your text be it say inspirational quotes or sayings that you like to over on top.

3. Ink361 

INK361 - Instagram Tool That provides actionable Instagram insights

The Ink361 tool is a free to use tool that provides you with all the information that you need to know to understand what works for you.

With the information you know which content engages your followers the most and post accordingly.

This Instagram tool makes it easy for you to do more of the things that work for you.

4. VSCO Instagram Photo Editing Tool

VSCO Instagram Photo Editing Tool

VSCO is a top tool that allows you to take and edit photos. You can use this tool to help you attend to your visual aspect of your marketing approach.

This tool comes with many filters to help you customize your photos and get a large number of views.

If you wish to promote your products you would want your product photos to be eye catching. With VSCO tool you can make your ordinary product shots perfect.

5. Grum the Instagram Scheduling & Posting Tool

 Grum the Instagram Scheduling & Posting Tool

Wouldn’t it be cool if you only had to just schedule your posts in Instagram and the rest was taken care of? How easy that sounds doesn’t it?

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Yes, not only does it sound easy it can also be performed easily with the help of the Grum tool.

The Grum Instagram uploader tool allows you to schedule posts that publish automatically without requiring you to manually click on ‘publish’ button and more over this Instagram tool let you post on Instagram from a desktop.


Now that you know how very helpful these Instagram tools can be you can start using them immediately on the road to the improvement of marketing of your business.

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Mohammad Mohsin
Mohammad Mohsin is a Web Consultant who writes about UI/UX experiences, Digital Marketing, New Web Trends and Leadership Skills. At M&M Web Solutions he leads an extremely talented team of Designers, Front-end and Back-end Developers who help to deliver online business solutions to startups, small business and large corporates across the globe.
You can connect with Mohammad Mohsin on LinkedIn

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