- If you have lots of old content textual content that you have written much time a back, how can you convert them to a fresh new content? You don’t necessarily need to create new stuff. In order to get mileage out of our old stuff, repost, reuse and repurpose your old content to keep the audience engaged and reach out new audiences.
- Let’s take a look some easy ways to repurpose old content to new one.
1. Convert to video
Video content is quickly becoming the most popular online medium for consuming content and it is predicted that 79% of all internet traffic will come from video by 2018. Create a video of your old content. There are a number of ways you can do this:
- Create screen capture videos. This will allow you to show you carrying out any tasks or procedures.
- Record a conversational video on past post topics. This will come across as more natural for viewers.
- Consider exploring live-streaming with Periscope or Facebook Live recap of the post and save the recording.
- Convert your blog post into slides and add photos to those slides. Read some essential tips to use video content that can bring conversion.
- We have recently found a great about a tool that can repurpose old content to a video very easily without eating much of your time. https://www.socialquant.net/animoto-review/
2. Update Old Article with Charts, Images, Embedded Tweets & Videos
Image courtesy: Neilpatel.com Recycle old posts by updating the content of your evergreen posts every year or two thereby keeping it sharp and further helping in boost organic traffic.
Here are some ways to update your old post:- Edit incorrect or dated information
- Include latest statistics and facts
- Include images, graphs or videos
- Link to one or two other posts in your blog
3. Convert to an infographic
Infographic appeals to our visual brains and makes it easy for readers to get a quick understanding of a subject. 65% of marketing executives believe that infographics and other visual content communicate their brand story better than just text. Popular services to get started include easel.ly, Piktochart, and Infogram.
4. Turn posts into email newsletter
Consider repurposing your old blog content and include it in an email newsletter. Your followers and potential customers via emails are interested in receiving something of value, whether that teaches something new, entertain, or helps in some way.
5. Create podcast episodes
If you want to repurpose old content to give a mileage in your content marketing, then Podcast is a great option for you.
There has been a recent research among Americans and it was found in general 39 million Americans spend 4 hours a day hearing audio.
If you have some tips and advice written in the form an article you can easily convert them to the podcast. -
6. Convert to SlideShare Presentations
Consider translating your old content into a SlideShare presentation. You can embed a SlideShare presentation just like you can a YouTube video, making it easy for people to share your content.
7. Turn it into a webinar
Consider turning a particularly popular and informative article on your blog into a webinar but it doesn’t stop there you’ll need to promote it effectively on various social media channels.
8. Repurpose Old Content to Ebooks
Customers today expect ebook content for free as compared to earlier when they would pay for it so there is a need to create an ebook quickly and economically. You can collate old articles into an e-book. This is another great method of recycling old content to new.
9. Create Pinterest Board
For content including graphics, Pinterest is a popular place because it is visual and actionable. Repurpose old content of yours that carry heavy images on Pinterest.
With these ways on repurposing your old content, you will be getting the most value out of your content efforts to resurrect traffic.