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Exclusive Growth Hacking Tips From The Experts to Grow Your Business

Exclusive Growth Hacking Tips From The Experts to Grow Your Business

A typical digital marketer always focuses on building the target audience, followers, and fans via social media platforms but a growth hacker is always enthusiastic on how they can hack the audience from other businesses and even from their competitors.

So, if you are an entrepreneur running an online business or a startup looking for ways to take your business to the next level, then here are some insightful tips that can help your business growth from the industry top growth hacking experts.

Vladimir Gendelamn

Vladimir is a print design thought leader and the founder of

One of the best ways to rapidly build your brand is to create and publish great content. Quality is more important than quantity; even if you’re posting to your blog regularly, it won’t do much good if your content is fluffy and without substance. Focus on one particular question or problem at a time, something where you know a lot of people are searching for a solution. Invest time and resources into creating the best possible answer, better than anything else available online. This will help establish you as a thought leader in your industry, increasing your authority and ultimately bringing in more clients.

Nicolas Le Roux

Nicolas Le Roux is growth hacking expert at Botletter.

First, a growth hacking strategy should be included in a global growth strategy. Growth Hacking is here to accelerate a particular element within your growth strategy. You want to focus on acquisition? Find a creative way to attract a lot of qualified prospects in a short amount of time.

For example, build a side project related to your core product and launch it on Product Hunt. A growth hack can also accelerate the understanding of your audience, especially if you are a small business just starting. As an example, I wrote the formula “Built with love for {{user_location))” in Botletter’s footer in order to catch my visitors’ attention and incite them to talk through our chat (more about that here).

Doing so, I’m able to ask them some feedback regarding my product. To sum up, if you are a small business, look at your growth strategy and find how growth hacks can help you achieve your goals faster.


Christina is Vice President at Crackerjack Marketing.

The best thing you can do in social media as a small business owner is to engage with your online community and think beyond simply blasting your message out. Be sure to be personable and prompt in responding to customer service inquiries.

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As a small business owner, your best strategy is to nurture your online community to build loyal fans and customers. That loyalty will translate into organic growth and repeat business. Remember to keep the human element to what you do online. (

Brian Jackson

Brian Jackson is Director of Inbound Marketing at Kinsta

For us, keyword research and providing high-quality content and how-to tutorials have been the best growth strategy. Just in this past year alone, we’ve grown our traffic by 360%. Here are a few recommendations:

  • As long as Google is an algorithm it will always rely on keywords to some extent. Therefore do keyword research with tools such as KWFinder.
  • Analyze your competitor’s traffic, content, and pages. You can always find things that are working and then replicate this strategy. I highly recommend Ahrefs tool for this.
  • Don’t just write though based on search volume… write based on what you think your customers or visitors will want and or need. For businesses, they need to realize that some posts will be for branding purposes, while others are to convert traffic. There should always be a purpose for an article.
  • Monitor the progress of your content and keyword rankings. We utilize the Accuranker tool for this at Kinsta. Find things that are dipping and update/improve them to bring them back up in SERPs.

Content marketing is by no means dead and can be one of your best growth-hacking strategies if done correctly!

Jeremy Noronha

Jeremy Noronha is senior SEO consultant at Foundr Magazine

I love guest posting! Most people look at guest posting as a quick opportunity to gain backlinks, but I believe it should be treated the same way you treat your own content.

It’s a way for you to raise brand awareness. Creating EPIC guest posts can lead to incredible growth and give you exposure to new audiences.

David Hoos

David Hoos is senior lead marketer and growth hacker

at The Good

The ultimate growth hack strategy for small business is improving word-of-mouth. There are a variety of popular ways to drive greater word-of-mouth, including influencer marketing, referral offers, and more, but it starts with developing a good reputation for your product, service, and overall customer experience.

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Sam Hurley

Sam Hurley is a lateral-thinking, people-focused digital marketer

Sam holds solid experience in both agency and client-side settings. He now runs his own global personal branding and influencer marketing business: OPTIM-EYEZ. Sam has achieved success for popular, international brands while being ranked as the world’s #1 digital influencer by Webinale, #2 most influential digital marketer by Onalytica and one of the top 3 content marketing influencers by ScribbleLive.

For any small business, personal branding is the route to growth!

You need to genuinely engage as a human across Social Media, not only as your company brand.

The right people can bring incredible opportunities and proliferate your exposure to potential customers — an engaged network enables this.

Constantly reach out to industry pros, contribute to blogs other than your own, join as many mastermind groups as efficiently possible and spark close relationships. Who knows, you just might bump into someone who can take your business to new heights.

You should also share others’ material just as much. This assists your audience and allows you to form a strong rapport with many — while also positioning you as an expert in your field.

As mentioned: Another key tactic is to pursue is guest blogging, by sharing your thought-leading material with the valuable, vast audiences of bigger brands. But — there’s no point in targeting sites with no rep. Getting featured on the right websites can increase audience size and credibility exponentially.

You can find sites that accept guest posts by searching on Google, like this:

“your niche here” “guest author”
“your niche here” “write for us”

Then, whittle down your list to the best brands — but forget requesting through their web forms. Try to discover key people in the organization and reach out to them on Social Media, AFTER building a genuine relationship with them!

I grew my own audience and business to what they are today, mainly by guest blogging. I didn’t have a website of my own for 1.5 years after quitting employment! That says a lot about the power of this technique…

Warren Whitlock

Warren Whitlock is Influence Architect, Top 10 Social Media Influencer.

Before you begin any growth hacking, be clear on 3 things.

  • The Lifetime Value of a customer
  • The Cost to Acquire a Customer you are willing to pay
  • The one metric that will best get you to your goal

Business growth is more than using some tactics. You need to know your numbers, define a strategy and measure what matters.

David Boutin

Digital Marketing Strategist & Writer/Editor
Social Quant

For us here at Social Quant, this one is a no-brainer. Our favorite growth hacking strategy is a follow-first growth hack to build a large and engaged Twitter following. This is the idea behind our software tool here at Social Quant. It’s also how we’ve grown our accounts and gotten a great deal of our customers.

Basically, a follow-first growth strategy on Twitter involves identifying the perfect accounts you want to connect with on Twitter – typically by using social listening to monitor for specific keywords and behaviors – and then following those accounts.

When you follow those accounts first, they will get a notification and a good percentage will come and check out your Twitter profile page. Optimizing your Twitter profile is paramount if you want this strategy to work. You’ll need a great Twitter header photo, a descriptive and enticing bio, a profile pic that’s representative of you or your business and, probably most importantly, a great pinned tweet (a tweet you set to stay at the top of your profile).

A strong pinned tweet is a fantastic way to drive traffic back to your website. One of the most effective ways to use your pinned tweet is to promote what’s known as a lead magnet – a free offering of something of value you’re willing to give away in exchange for an email address.

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Mohammad Mohsin
Mohammad Mohsin is a Web Consultant who writes about UI/UX experiences, Digital Marketing, New Web Trends and Leadership Skills. At M&M Web Solutions he leads an extremely talented team of Designers, Front-end and Back-end Developers who help to deliver online business solutions to startups, small business and large corporates across the globe.
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