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Twitter For Startups: 5 Ways to Improve Your Brand Presence

Twitter For Startups: 5 Ways to Improve Your Brand Presence

Twitter is one of the most popular ways to market yourself or your business online. It is an ideal platform for a startup to find, engage and convert potential customers.

So use Twitter for marketing your startup agency and imprint the positive impact in the minds of your target audience that you are doing something new and innovative for your business.

Given below are some twitter marketing tips to boost your startup’s brand presence:


Twitter For Startups

Your Twitter bio should be intriguing as it is the way you’ll attract followers and like-minded people. Sum up about yourself in few words and make it sound interesting.

Having a good profile picture is a way for people to identify and create a visual and emotional connection with your brand.

Hence do not ignore the value of your logo in including in your Twitter’s profile image section.

Tweeting Strategy for Startups

Twitter For Startups

If you see some post which has caught your attention then share it on your twitter platform by simply tweaking the post headlines in your own words.

Provided below are some on what to tweet suggestions for your startup:

  • While sharing the rewritten headlines add your own thoughts what you exactly feel about the post. Here are some examples that you can take a look.
  • If you see some interesting quote, craft it into a catchy headline and tweet it to your audience.
  • Share a new blog post per day and share other people’s blog posts. Always remember out of your scheduled tweets per day 80% should be from other and 20% shall be from yours.
  • Upcoming events
  • If you find any interesting stuff in your daily research whether it’s a blog post, podcasts or interesting videos then do not hesitate to share on your twitter handle.
  • Announcements, if it is interesting to tweet
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Note: while tweeting do not forget to use hash tag relevant to that post and tagging others.

Follow Others

Twitter For Startups

You should follow everyone who follows you because when you do that, some people will respond to you and everyone who follows them will see this thereby it will help your business to get more exposure.

Promote others

Twitter For Startups

You can search for the thought leaders in your industry and start retweeting if it provides value for your following. It will help your business immensely if you send personalized retweets.

Twitter Counter Search

Twitter For Startups

If you are really puzzled who to follow on twitter, then use Twitter Counter Search tool. Although this is a paid tool however it gives you the option to search influential people as per your industry. You will get to see the list of the user whom you can connect and start engaging.


These are some of the marketing tips and strategies that you can implement for your startup on twitter and wait patiently how it helps to harness the opportunities for your business.

Mohammad Mohsin on FacebookMohammad Mohsin on Linkedin
Mohammad Mohsin
Mohammad Mohsin is a Web Consultant who writes about UI/UX experiences, Digital Marketing, New Web Trends and Leadership Skills. At M&M Web Solutions he leads an extremely talented team of Designers, Front-end and Back-end Developers who help to deliver online business solutions to startups, small business and large corporates across the globe.
You can connect with Mohammad Mohsin on LinkedIn

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