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WordPress Security: 8 Tips From Experts That You Shouldn’t Ignore

WordPress Security: 8 Tips From Experts That You Shouldn’t Ignore

  • How secure is your WordPress website? When was the last time you checked the security issues? The truth is that your WordPress website is not immune to security attacks just like other websites. But there are ways by which you can secure your WordPress site from hackers. Here are 8 ways that will help to protect your WordPress site from being hacked.
  • Back-up

    Take backup of wordpress site
    It is crucial that you take a back-up of the entire WordPress website before making any changes or modifications. There are a number of tools and plugins that will help you take a back-up of the DB (data-base) or the entire website that will secure your WordPress Site.

  • Should Update WordPress for Security

    Keeping your WordPress Version Updated
    Make sure you update the WordPress version whenever there is an update because updating WordPress theme, plugins can help to secure your WordPress site. The WordPress community releases updates to fix security holes. It is also a good idea to follow the WordPress Development and BlogSecurity that will keep you informed about the new patches and fixes that are released.

  • Use a Complex Password to Secure Your WordPress Site

    Select strong password for wordpress
    The default WordPress login and password is ‘admin’. The entire online community knows about it and if you continue to use it, you are inviting trouble. To make your website secure, change the password to something that cannot be guessed easily. Try something such as ‘ro#se98$%2’. It is also a good idea to change the password quite often.

  • Delete Unused Plugins To Minimise Security Risk

    Clean Up Unused Plugins from WordPress site
    Unused plugins can be a threat to your website. This is because hacker often target plug-ins and use them to spread infections across the websites. People often fail to update unused plugins which is reason why they become easy targets. There it is best to get rid of unused plugins.

  • Choose a Secured Hosting Space

    Using a cheap hosting space may be easy on your pocket, but you risk your website. Cheap hosting serves do not implement robust security features, so there are high chances that your website will get infected. This is why you should use reliable and secured hosting services such as HostGator, GoDaddy, etc.

  • Use WP Security Scan

    Scan Your WordPress Site
    This is a great plugin offered by WordPress. It scans your website for vulnerabilities and informs you about malicious codes.

  • Stop Search Engine Spiders

    Stop Search Engines From Indexing Wp admin
    Stop the search engine spiders to crawl the admin section since it contains sensitive information. Create a robot.txt file and disallow the spiders from crawling the admin section.

  • Easy Analytics

    Use SSL & HTTPS to your wordpress site
    SLL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is a great way to secure the admin panel. SSL encrypts the data that is transferred between the user browsers and the server making it difficult for the hackers to get access.

  • Website security is a major issue, especially if you are using user information. By implementing the above tips, you can protect your website from security threats and improve the credibility of your website.
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Mohammad Mohsin
Mohammad Mohsin is a Web Consultant who writes about UI/UX experiences, Digital Marketing, New Web Trends and Leadership Skills. At M&M Web Solutions he leads an extremely talented team of Designers, Front-end and Back-end Developers who help to deliver online business solutions to startups, small business and large corporates across the globe.
You can connect with Mohammad Mohsin on LinkedIn
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